014 - Morphine (Pt. 2)
Episode dedicated in memory of drummer Billy Conway, 1956-2021.
With special guests Dana Colley and Jerome Deupree
Download: 014-Morphine (Pt. 2)
Dana Colley: Twitter | Wikipedia | Badass T Shirt
Jerome Deupree: Twitter | Wikipedia
Vapors of Morphine: Spotify | Official Site
T Shirt Artwork by Dana Colley
Morphine members Dana Colley and Jerome Deupree join Bill & Waldron to help them through Pt. 2 of the Morphine episode.
Face the music(ians)
It’s “Sand Man”, not Sandmn
Spoken word piece during the coda of “The Night”. Words by Mark Sandman
You're the paint can falling off the wall at the door that slams
At the end of the hall where the kid rings sounds of basketball
The battle of the earth of the angels
The shifting snow drifts so realistic, so realistic
Call you carpet of stars
See, there is something in the yard
It's awful dark
With the painted strings, the cross, the good luck charm
The prayer, the extra layer, the group